Chris Molloy, BSc(Hons), PhD
Data Assessments for ACVM registration of Agricultural Chemical trade name products.
AC – Chemistry and Manufacturing
AC – Efficacy and Plant Safety
AC – Overall Data Assessment

Industry Experience with Agricultural Chemicals
Originally trained as a biochemist/molecular biologist, I am privileged to have worked in the R&D team at Zelam Limited in New Plymouth (now Arxada NZ) for the past 19 years. This work included the following responsibilities relevant to preparing data assessments for crop protection products:
Designing and performing agrichemical field trials (including plant growth regulators, fungicides and insecticides). We used the Agricultural Research Manager (ARM) software package for experimental design and statistical analysis.
Preparation of Chemistry and Manufacturing, and Efficacy and Plant Safety reports for Zelam crop protection products.
Formulation development of crop protection products, biopesticides and agrichemical preservatives.
Analytical method development (HPLC and chemical) for crop protection products and timber preservatives.
I wrote 15 granted NZ patents for new Zelam products that I was involved in developing. Eight of these patents were also granted in Australia, USA and some in other countries. All include supporting trial data in one form or another.
Updating to GHS standards Zelam SDSs and the safety information on Zelam product labels.

Qualifications and other relevant experience
Farming background
BSc (Hons), PhD (Biochemistry, Otago University, 1988)
Growsafe certification
Lecturer Lincoln University, including to BAgSci (Hons) students
Marine research at Cawthron Institute, Nelson
Earlier work experience
Before coming to Zelam in 2004, I previously worked in biomedical research at Otago and Lincoln Universities followed by four years of marine research in Nelson and a further 5 years in product development for food producing companies in Nelson and Taranaki.
ACVM Data Assessor listing
Provisional listing June 2024
AC – Chemistry and Manufacturing
AC – Efficacy and Plant Safety
AC – Overall Data Assessment
Chris Molloy, Field Data Services, 24 Frank Wilson Terrace, New Plymouth 4312
Phone: 027 857 9152